Clients hunting our areas enjoy top success rates on all main species they intend taking which is a record not many can boast. The large majority of our clients are repeat customers that can attest to this. Mozambique is ideal for the client who has hunted everywhere else in Africa and is looking for a unique wild hunting experience. It is a place that typically only clients who enjoy the thrill of the hunt will enjoy. At times you may get lucky, but generally you will be required to do a bit of tracking to secure your trophy. All our areas are FREE RANGE. No high fence and no animals have been imported into the area. It is as natural and wild as one can
expect to find in Africa today.
Dries Visser Safaris operates different camps each able to comfortably accommodate 4-6 clients at a time. Each of the camps has either permanent chalets or luxury safari tents with bathroom and toilet en suite, and hot and cold running water 24/7. All camps have their own solar systems or generators for power supplies as well as high speed satellite internet and all other necessities required to make for a comfortable stay.
Mozambique is the perfect off the beaten track destination to discover some untouched natural beauty where only pristine wilderness, remote nature and a spectacular number of wild game will meet you as you set off on your personal African safari adventure.